Friday, February 25, 2011

Yep, Still Here :).

Sooooo I haven't updated this in a good long while. I really need to change that bad habit. I can't promise I'll update every day (with life being what it is) but I'll try to make it a little more frequent.

Plenty has gone on since my last post. Amongst the most significant developments is the fact that I joined Dailymile in early January. I have never before been a part of such a warm, friendly and supportive online community as this one. This fact alone is so refreshing given all of the cynicism and negativity that can be found elsewhere. I've probably participated more here in just the last ~2 months than pretty much everywhere else combined. I'm naturally quite shy and reserved even online, so I give Dailymile a lot of credit just for helping me come out of my shell. I really have made a lot of wonderful new friends there.

Dailymile has also encouraged me to train smarter. Before DM I was just running without much of a plan, which I suppose is better than nothing. Now I'm able to draw inspiration and ideas from various members of the community that are helping me to train better and smarter. For example, thanks in large part to Alicyn's core workout streak, I've started one of my own. I already feel like that's done me a lot of good fitness-wise already. But really, I look at all the workouts people there post and think "hey, that looks fun/interesting, I think I'll give it a try!".

So back to this's pretty much going to be focused on my running exploits, but don't be too surprised to see a random nerdy post creep in from time to time. And no, you won't hurt my feelings if you skip those posts :p.

So thanks again for reading, and I hope everyone has a great day!